Franzine Cole Salas is my niece. We call her Zee. Everyone in the family knows Zee could sing when we saw her tapping the table while watching a variety show on TV. That was when she was still 2. She is now 6 years old and has been singing in school programs. My younger brother who has more exposure in this kind of talent development, suggested that we should enroll Zee to a voice lesson program this summer 2011. This is one way for her to develop self-confidence especially when performing in front of a crowd.

The last time we recorded a video of her singing was when she was 2 years old. Watch this video of her performing a Filipino song “Hindi ko kayang iwan ka” by Sheryn Regis. She could not read yet that time and had to follow what she was hearing.

Zee at 2 years old:

Now this is her at 6 years old, singing Celine Dion’s “To Love You More.”

Confirming that she could really sing, my “Idol” brother thought of putting in some movements. He calls it animation. At first, Zee was a bit shy to move her hands. But after a little convincing and inputs, she pulled out quite an impressive amateur show, on top of a makeshift platform.

Not bad at all.

Bonus videos: My little brother singing “This is the Moment”.

Star in a Million: